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Updating Dwains Dashboard #

If you want to upgrade your installation of Dwains Dashboard to the latest version then look below. Each update has his own “How to update to **” manual.

Versioning info #

Version numbering explained (MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH):

  1. MAJOR version: when there are big and incompatible changes.
  2. MINOR version: when there is added functionality in a non-backwards compatible manner.
  3. PATCH version: small new functions and backwards compatible bug fixes.

Changelog #

Update 2.0.4 #

v2.0.4 is only compatible with HA 2021.10 and newer!

Dwains Dashboard now has a own logo 😄


How to install 2.0.4 fresh (if you are new): #


How to update to 2.0.4 manual: #

  1. Download version 2.0.4 and unzip the file.
  2. Inside this folder you will see a folder called custom_components copy this folder.
  3. Go to the main folder of your Home Assistant installation. This is the folder where you config is. (Hint: its the folder where for example the files ui-lovelace.yaml and configuration.yaml are located).
  4. Paste the custom_components to the main folder of your Home Assistant installation and overwrite all existing files!
  5. Reboot your Home Assistant
  6. Clear your browser cache on all devices
  7. You are done!

How to update to 2.0.4. thought HACS: #

  1. Open HACS
  2. Go to Dwains Dashboard and click update
  3. Reboot your Home Assistant
  4. Clear your browser cache on all devices
  5. You are done!

If you are running older version then 2.0.0: First upgrade to 2.0.0 and then to 2.0.4. To upgrade to 2.0.0 follow this upgrade guide: https://dwainscheeren.github.io/dwains-lovelace-dashboard/information/update.html#how-to-update-to-20

Please consider a donation 👍


I’m currently working on v2.1.0 and also on v3.0.0. Version 2.1 will have some new small features and 3.0 will be a total rewriten dashboard.

Update 2.0.3 #

v2.0.3 is only compatible with HA 2021.5 and newer!

How to install 2.0.3 fresh (if you are new): #


How to update to 2.0.3: #

If you are running 2.0.0, 2.0.1 or 2.0.2:

  1. Download version 2.0.3 and unzip the file.
  2. Inside this folder you will see a folder called custom_components copy this folder.
  3. Go to the main folder of your Home Assistant installation. This is the folder where you config is. (Hint: its the folder where for example the files ui-lovelace.yaml and configuration.yaml are located).
  4. Paste the custom_components to the main folder of your Home Assistant installation and overwrite all existing files!
  5. Make sure you are updated to HA 2021.5!
  6. Reboot your Home Assistant
  7. Clear your browser cache on all devices
  8. You are done!

If you are running older version then 2.0.0: First upgrade to 2.0.0 and then to 2.0.3. To upgrade to 2.0.0 follow this upgrade guide: https://dwainscheeren.github.io/dwains-lovelace-dashboard/information/update.html#how-to-update-to-20

Please consider a donation 👍

Update 2.0.2 #

v2.0.2 is only compatible with HA 2021.4 and newer!

It contains some small core changes, not notable, and compability with HA 2021.4.

I would to ask you if you are running Dwains Dashboard to enable the new HA 2021.4 Analytics. It would really help me. Go to Configuration (bottom left) -> General -> And in the bottom check all the boxes under the Analytics section. Thanks!!

Download v2.0.2 here

How to update to 2.0.2: #

If you are running 2.0.0 or 2.0.1:

  1. Download version 2.0.2 and unzip the file.
  2. Inside this folder you will see a folder called custom_components copy this folder.
  3. Go to the main folder of your Home Assistant installation. This is the folder where you config is. (Hint: its the folder where for example the files ui-lovelace.yaml and configuration.yaml are located).
  4. Paste the custom_components to the main folder of your Home Assistant installation and overwrite all existing files!
  5. Make sure you are updated to HA 2021.4.
  6. Reboot your Home Assistant
  7. Clear your browser cache on all devices
  8. You are done!

If you are running older version then 2.0.0: First upgrade to 2.0.0 and then to 2.0.2. To upgrade to 2.0.0 follow this upgrade guide: https://dwainscheeren.github.io/dwains-lovelace-dashboard/information/update.html#how-to-update-to-20

Please consider a donation 👍

Update 2.0.1 #

v2.0.1 is only compatible with HA 0.118 or 2021.1.1 and newer

How to update to 2.0.1: #

If you are running 2.0.0:

  1. Download version 2.0.1 and unzip the file.
  2. Inside this folder you will see a folder called custom_components copy this folder.
  3. Go to the main folder of your Home Assistant installation. This is the folder where you config is. (Hint: its the folder where for example the files ui-lovelace.yaml and configuration.yaml are located).
  4. Paste the custom_components to the main folder of your Home Assistant installation and overwrite all existing files!
  5. Reboot your Home Assistant
  6. Clear your browser cache on all devices
  7. You are done!

If you are running older version then 2.0.0: First upgrade to 2.0.0 and then to 2.0.1. To upgrade to 2.0.0 follow this upgrade guide: https://dwainscheeren.github.io/dwains-lovelace-dashboard/information/update.html#how-to-update-to-20

Update 2.0.0 🎉 #

Note: Dwains Theme has been renamed to Dwains Dashboard!

How to update to 2.0: #

You can only update to 2.0 if you have 1.4 installed.

The update process is a little bit complicated but I tried to make it as easy as possible. I made splitted the upgrade guide into 5 sections. If you experience any issues during the installation of 2.0 you can get live personal assistant from me, Dwains Dashboard Discord Server

Hint: With /config/ I mean the folder where your whole HA config is.

Section 1 - Remove existing Dwains Theme 1.*

To update to Dwains Dashboard 2.0.0 you first need to remove your 1. version of Dwains Theme follow all steps below (Don’t worry we will keep your existing Dwains Theme config and addons, these will automatic work in 2.0.0), after that we need to modify your config files and your addons.*

  1. Make a backup of your current HA setup.
  2. Go to your /config/ folder and rename the folder dwains-theme to dwains-dashboard.
  3. Go to your /config/ folder and remove the file dwains-theme-lovelace-yaml.
  4. If you use any custom resources then backup the file /config/dwains-dashboard/resources/custom_resources.yaml somewhere safe. You need to add these back after installing 2.0.
  5. Go inside the folder /config/dwains-dashboard and remove the following folders: plugins, resources, translations, views. Make sure you keep the folders ‘configs’ and the folder ‘addons’!.
  6. Go to the folder /config/themes and remove the files dwains-theme-black.yaml, dwains-theme-dark.yaml, dwains-theme-light.yaml and dwains-theme-white.yaml.
  7. Go to the folder /config/www and remove the folder dwains-theme.
  8. Go to the folder /config/packages and remove the folder dwains-theme.
  9. Go to the folder /config/custom_components and remove the folder dwains-theme.

Section 2- Some small changes to your existing Dwains Theme config files

The files scenes.yaml and cameras.yaml in your dwains dashboard configs needs to be changed. If you use them go to /config/dwains-dashboard/configs and open them.

  1. The file cameras.yaml needs to be changed like explained in this screenshot.
  2. The file scenes.yaml needs to be changed like explained in this screenshot.

Section 3 - Adjust your addons

If you have any addons installed follow this step, otherwise skip this step!

Open up the folder /config/dwains-dashboard/configs and check, we need to make some adjustments to these files.

  1. If you use addons the name of the folder dwains-theme has changed to dwains-dashboard so for check all your config files. For example rename path: 'dwains-theme/addons/rooms/hello-room/page.yaml' to path: 'dwains-dashboard/addons/rooms/hello-room/page.yaml'
  2. Some addons use an include to heading.yaml, this file is deprecated. Change the code as explained in this screenshot.
  3. The following variables have been renamed, so if you use them, please rename them. _d_t_config to _dd_config, _d_t_trans to _dd_trans, _d_t_icons to _dd_icons and _d_t_global to _dd_global

In 2.0 there isn’t a custom_resources.yaml file anymore for any custom/third party cards. You will need to add them back by hand after installing 2.0. Go to HA Configuration -> Lovelace Dashboards and click in the top on Resources. Here you can click on the “+” sign bottom right and add all your custom cards you first had in dwains-theme/resources/custom_resources.yaml.

Section 4 - Dynamic_page.yaml is deprecated

If you use the dynamic_page.yaml in your current installation I have some good and bad news. The bad news is that it is deprecated, the good news is I created a new function for this to put as many custom pages in the main navigation bar as you want!! You must copy the addon: part you had in dwains-theme/configs/dynamic_page.yaml into the addon: part in dwains-dashboard/configs/more_page.yaml. Then add the key main_menu: 'true' to the addon. Then this addon will show up in your main navigation bar! (Read more here)

Section 5 - Reboot HA

Reboot your Home Assistant. Dwains Theme 1.* should now be fully removed. Now we can install 2.0 with your existing config.

Section 6 - Install Dwains Dashboard 2.0

Install Dwains Dashboard 2.0 as explained here.

Breaking changes: #

New Features: #

Changes: #

Update 1.4.1 #

v1.4.1 is compatible with HA 0.110, 0.111, 0.112, 0.113

If you are running Dwains Theme 1.3.*: Follow the normal update manual (top of this page). Please follow all steps.

The file dwains-theme/plugins/button-cards-templates/homepage/header/greeting.yaml is no longer used, so make sure you remove/don’t have that file.

If you are running older version of Dwains Theme then 1.3.0: Then follow the update manual of 1.3.0 first see here.

Changes: #

Update 1.4.0 #

v1.4.0 is compatible with HA 0.110 and HA 0.111

How to update to 1.4.0? #

If you are running Dwains Theme 1.3.*: Follow the normal update manual (top of this page). Please follow all steps.

The file dwains-theme/plugins/button-cards-templates/homepage/header/greeting.yaml is no longer used, so make sure you remove/don’t have that file.

If you are running older version of Dwains Theme then 1.3.0: Then follow the update manual of 1.3.0 first see here.

New Features: #

Changes: #

Update 1.3.1 #

How to update to 1.3.1? #

If you are running Dwains Theme 1.3.0: Follow the normal update manual (top of this page) If you are running older version of Dwains Theme then 1.3.0: Follow the update manual of 1.3.0 see here

Changes: #

Update 1.3.0 #

How to update to 1.3.0? #

Follow all the steps below:

Changes: #

Update 1.2.1 #

Update 1.2.0 #

Note: The way resources are loaded has been changed from this version on. Overwrite your ui-lovelace.yaml file with the one in this version! Do you have any custom resources? Go to the folder dwains-theme/resources/ rename the file custom_resources-sample.yaml to custom_resources.yaml and place your resources in that file! This file will never be overwritten with updates instead of the old way, so you can keep your own additional resources safe.

Update 1.1.5 #

Update 1.1.4 #

Update 1.1.3 #

Update 1.1.2 #

Update from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1 #

Follow the normal update manual (top of this page)

Update from 1.0.* to 1.1.* #

  1. Backup the folder dwains-theme/configs
  2. Then remove the following folders from your HA setup. custom_components/dwains_theme, dwains-theme, themes, www/dwains-theme.
  3. Copy the downloaded zip content to your HA setup
  4. Copy back the backup folder configs to dwains-theme so you again have a dwains-theme/configs folder.
  5. Copy the file dwains-theme/configs-samples/icons.yaml to dwains-theme/configs
  6. Copy the file dwains-theme/configs-samples/dynamic_page.yaml to dwains-theme/configs
  7. Rename the file dwains-theme/configs/more_addons.yaml to more_page.yaml. The content of this file is changed to:
  8. The way Dwains Theme is loaded is changed, take a look inside configuration-sample.yaml and copy the new code between Copy from here till Copy till here.
  9. Download from HACS the plugin: state-switch if you don’t have it.