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Addons #

Rooms addons #

With rooms addons you can add own functionality to rooms. You can add a own button on a room page which links to a custom page. It can also parse some data to that view.

Rooms page addons information #

I advise you to create a folder inside dwains-dashboard/addons/rooms/ with the name of the addon (for example statistics) inside that folder create a file called page.yaml and inside that file your lovelace card(s) and use that path as the path for the addon.

A good example is to checkout the hello-room addon in dwains-dashboard/addons/rooms/hello-room/page.yaml to re-use or inspire you.

Name Type Default Example Description
name string Required Hello room The name of the addon
icon string fas:puzzle-piece fas:chart-area The icon of the addon
show_header boolean Optional 'false' (default: true) If you want to hide the top header on the addon page
path string Required dwains-dashboard/addons/rooms/hello-room/page.yaml The path to the page of the addon
button_path string Optional dwains-dashboard/addons/rooms/hello-room/button.yaml The path to the button of the addon
data object Not required See example below Data you wanna parse to the addon

Rooms addon example #

This is for the config/rooms.yaml file.

  - name: Hallway
    ...your existing strings...
      - name: Hello room
        icon: fas:puzzle-piece
        path: 'dwains-dashboard/addons/rooms/hello-room/page.yaml'
        button_path: 'dwains-dashboard/addons/rooms/hello-room/button.yaml'
          some_data: 'This is some data parsed.'
          some_other_data: 'and some other data.'
          entity: vacuum.roborock