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Addons #

Popup addons #

With popup addons you can add own card(s) to a popup of an entity. So for example if you click on switch.diswasher you also see the power usage of the diswasher.

You can use popup addons in 2 ways.

Global popup addons #

If you want to create a own popup addon for an global entity you can do this in the config file dwains-dashboard/config/global.yaml

Example for in dwains-dashboard/config/global.yaml

    - domain: cover
      path: 'dwains-dashboard/addons/popups/cover/popup.yaml'

Example for dwains-dashboard/addons/popups/cover/popup.yaml

# dwains_dashboard

type: vertical-stack
  - type: entities
      - {{ entity }}
  - type: markdown
    content: Custom popup for {{ entity }}

Entity popup addons #

If you want to create a own popup for a single entity you can use your customize.yaml file.

Example for inside /customize.yaml

  dwains_dashboard_popup: 'dwains-dashboard/addons/popups/livingroom_spot_2.yaml'
    some_data: 'This is some data parsed.'
    some_other_data: 'and some other data.'

Example for dwains-dashboard/addons/popups/livingroom_spot_2.yaml:

# dwains_dashboard

type: vertical-stack
  - type: markdown
    content: >
      This is a custom popup. It can also parse some data.
      Don't believe it? Here it is: {{ (data | fromjson)['some_data'] }}<br>
      {{ (data | fromjson)['some_other_data'] }}
  - type: entities
      - {{ entity }}