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Configuration #

Persons persons.yaml #

This file is optional

Persons sections, all persons you want to be visible on the homepage. How to create persons. Go to your HA people settings to set an avatar for a person.

Persons information #

Name Type Default Example Description
name string Required Dwain Name of person
track string Required person.dwain Person entity
show_map string Optional (default: ‘true’) ‘true’ or ‘false’ If you want to show map of device tracker on person page
more_entities object Optional See example below If you want to show some more entities for a person (opens in new view, accessible from icon in header top right).
page_entities object Optional See example below If you want to show some additional entities on person page (visibile on person page itself).
addons object No   Persons support addons, they are called persons addons. Read more here.

Persons example #

  - name: Dwain
    track: person.dwain
    show_map: 'false' #If you want to show map remove this line
      columns: 1 #optional
        - entity: sensor.steps
        - entity: sensor.steps
      columns: 2 #optional
        - entity: sensor.steps
        - entity: sensor.steps

More_entities object #

Example for using some additional entities on person page (opens in new view, accessible from icon in header top right):

      columns: 2 #optional
        - entity: sensor.name1
        - entity: sensor.name2

Page_entities object #

Example for showing some entities in the person page itself:

      columns: 1 #optional
        - entity: sensor.name1
        - entity: sensor.name2